When you bring yourself to an altar, you enter into a space that has its own consciousness. In that space, the realm of what is possible expands.​
Songs of Spirit
Music, Cacao + Microdose
Songs of Spirit is my flagship ceremony, an altar and vision that I received from Spirit in 2023. Since then, I've shared this medicine in several countries with many different communities. The medicine served is a microdose of psilocybin with cacao. This homeopathic dose brings us into our hearts and creates a coherence, making us receptive to the prayers, the music and the healing.
This ceremony is unique and beautiful, transmitting the healing power of music and prayer. Submit a form to request a Songs of Spirit in your city or to learn about the upcoming schedule.
Prayer for the Earth
Psilocybin ceremony around a Sacred Fire
Prayer for the Earth is a special prayer for healing and unity held around a grandfather fire, amplified with sacred mushroom medicine. Always supported by a team of experienced guardians, this ceremony is a profound journey, with elements of several indigenous healing traditions. All participants have the opportunity -and are encouraged- to share prayers and songs in the circle. There is live music and a celebratory energy field, as well as opportunities to let go of old stories and fears, to activate the frequency of New Earth.
This is a safe, intentional and joyful medicine experience to raise your vibration and sync to the universal heartbeat of our beautiful world.
Private Ceremonies
Customized medicine work to bring your intentions to life
There are several ways to experience the power of ceremony in your own private environment. I offer private ceremonies for individuals and groups with psilocybin mushrooms, cacao, hapeh (sacred tobacco snuff) and/or sananga (medicinal eye drops).
For those who desire to infuse the beauty of sacred ceremony into an event, retreat, or special day, I would love to be a part of your celebration. I offer guided medicine journeys, cacao circles, hapeh and sananga, music ceremonies, and ceremonial facilitation.
Submit your details, and interests, and I will reach out to you via phone or email with more information.